Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Best of 2009 List

While blog hopping I happened upon this blog and this post. I immediately printed out the lists from the genres I enjoy and started investigating how many of the books on the lists I had read. I soon found that I hadn't read many at all and most of the titles I had never heard of. Does that make me a sheltered reader? Here are a few I have read:

I love historical fiction!

Here are a few from the list that like they have potential:

What's on your reading list?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

In the beginning...

I have considered starting a blog for a while now and have decided to jump in. I will be blogging about my reading life. I enjoy reading for myself and reading in preparation for my job as a literacy coach, whether it be professional books or children's books to suggest to teachers and students.